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For 22-year-old Vemma Brand Partner Karlie Frank, since graduating from the University of Arkansas, she’s cranked up her Vemma business advanced to the rank of Star Platinum!

For 22-year-old Vemma Brand Partner Karlie Frank, life just keeps getting better! Since graduating from the University of Arkansas, she’s cranked up her Vemma business, moved back to her hometown of San Diego, and advanced to the rank of Star Platinum.

“I didn’t realize how much I loved the ocean until I moved to Arkansas!” she says. “I love being back, and I love my Vemma business. I’m with friends all day and having fun.”

Karlie first heard about Vemma from a family friend, former NBA player Jim Brogan, who introduced the products to her parents. “In college, I was experiencing some health challenges that were affecting my studies.” Karlie’s mother (Tami Byroads) recommended that she try Vemma. “After just a couple of weeks taking Vemma every morning, I began to feel better and had more energy.* My experience with Vemma began with an emotional attachment to the products.”

Although a dedicated customer, Karlie was still skeptical of Vemma’s business opportunity and was planning on studying veterinary medicine after graduation. Then, during spring break of her senior year, she happened to be in California and met up with Jim Brogan. “Talking to Jim, I realized I could own my own business at 21 and control my own destiny.** That really got me excited!”

Around the same time, Karlie’s father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and she started thinking hard about what she wanted out of life and what mattered most. “My dad reminds me not to take my health for granted,” she says. “He tells me to take care of myself now.”

Vemma offered Karlie so many of the things she had always wanted in a career: she wouldn’t have to work in a cubicle, she could develop a residual stream of income, and she could set her own working hours. She started doing the business seriously after graduating and has seen things really take off. “I had the belief in the company, the products and myself to make it happen — and it is happening!”

Thanks to her flexible Vemma schedule, she travels to Las Vegas once a month to visit her father. If she were in school, she knows she wouldn’t be able to see him so often. “I don’t know how long he’ll be here — his cancer is aggressive — so I’m so glad I’m not missing this time with him. You really can’t put a price on this kind of freedom.”

The flexibility of being a Brand Partner appeals to people in all age brackets, but Karlie is finding particular success with fellow young adults. “With Vemma, you can be going to school, staying busy with whatever clubs, athletics and activities you’re in, and also make a good side income.** So instead of clocking in hours at a part-time job, you can do this on the side — just send a quick text message or Facebook message.”

Vemma is the perfect career for well-networked people. “Young people are talking to friends, going to sorority and fraternity events, texting, calling, Skype-ing, Facebook messaging — we do that stuff all day anyway. So it’s pretty simple to just talk some business at the same time. Verve is a healthy energy drink and fits our market so perfectly.”

Karlie notes that young people in her age bracket are hungry for opportunity. They face a lot of challenges due to the economy and a bad job outlook, and this has created a lot of entrepreneurs. “So many young people say ‘Vemma has changed my life. I’m around positive people now, and I have a vehicle to fund my goals and my dreams.**’” For Karlie, the best thing about being a Vemma Brand Partner is helping people achieve their goals. “I get so excited when the newest team member hits Bronze! I don’t even pay attention to my rank; for me, it’s about helping others.”

Karlie sticks by the solid advice of doing something positive for her business every day. “Even one tiny thing every day will help your business grow. If everyone on your team texted five people about the products every day, just think of how your business would grow!”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

**Results not typical, your results may vary. The success or failure of each individual is dependent on their own efforts. The Company has generally expected results which can be obtained by visiting

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