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As a personal trainerChad trains clients at Method Athlete in Scottsdale, where he specializes in small group training and golf performance.

He also has a passion for mountain bike racing and participated on the Vemma Team in the Breckenridge B-68 in late July. This challenging race is a grueling mix of mountainous terrain that gains about 9,000 vertical feet. Chad depends on Vemma to help him maintain both his own wellness and that of his clients.

“Vemma’s an easy way to help get the nutrients I need. I might have a cold Bod·ē™ or Verve on a hot day, and the Verve shots help for a pick-me-up in longer races.”

He finds it easy to share Vemma with his clients because, as he says, “In my opinion, we have uniqueness in all our products that makes them different from others out there.” He gives clients a sample, directs them to certain websites to watch videos and then follows up. “If the value is high, cost doesn’t matter, and the videos help in the process to keep it simple,” he says.

Training Philosophy

Chad understands the importance of following a natural progression that will lead to a person’s fitness goals. You don’t start your fitness journey at the end. You start doing what you can today. You work up gradually, building your strength and endurance until you’re able to finally reach your goal.

“Everyone’s an athlete,” Chad maintains. “You just have to follow a set of principles and progressions to get to where you need to be. If you’re methodical, you’ll decrease injury, and you can transform yourself into a high-performance athlete, if that’s your goal. But at any age, with any background, or at any current state of fitness, you can get to the overall health you’re looking to achieve.”

Designing a Lifestyle

He also counsels his clients on weight management, introducing them to Vemma Bod•ē as part of their total fitness plan. “It’s all about creating a new lifestyle, positive habits for permanent change, learning to really listen to your body and working out smarter.”

He finds his Vemma business fits in perfectly with training. As a Platinum Leader, he is just getting started in achieving financial independence.* “When you train people, it’s an ebb and flow,” Chad says. “My Vemma business has always been there for me, providing me with a steady income.*” Best of all, Vemma helps him make a positive impact in people’s lives.

“I believe you have to ask yourself three major questions when you reflect on your life. One, am I living a good life and making it better every day? Two, do I have loving relationships? And three, did I make a difference in the lives of others?”

“Vemma really does make a difference in people’s lives, because not only can they get healthier, they’re able to use it as a route toward their own financial independence.”*

So ask yourself, do you want to make a living or design a life?

*Results not typical, your results may vary. The success or failure of each individual is dependent on their own efforts. The Company has generally expected results which can be obtained by visiting

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