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Unemployment rose to 8.2%, and nearly 20% of last year’s grads are still working in jobs they’re overqualified for. 

USA Today reported that 2.6 million new college grads entered the workforce this May, just as unemployment rose to 8.2%, and nearly 20% of last year’s grads are still working in jobs they’re overqualified for. This means that for young people like Jeffrey and Jason Jensen, the search for a viable career requires some ingenuity and flexibility to get ahead.

Brothers Jason (22) and Jeffrey (24) are members of Vemma’s #YoungPeopleRevolution — two motivated men from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, who are building big with Vemma. As 20-somethings in a tough economy, they’ve found that Vemma is a way around the grim job market. As Jeffrey states, “The only way to make the economy better is to make your own economy better.” Enter Vemma.

Vemma Executive Jeffrey Jensen
Have you ever wondered how a Brand Partner goes from a back row Convention participant to onstage presenter in just 12 months? Talk to 24-year-old Vemma Executive, Jeffrey Jensen.

At the 2011 Convention in Las Vegas, Jeffrey sat in the back row as he listened to speakers talk about their “Why” and wondered if that was what he was missing. He’d started off well, going Diamond in 90 days, but by Convention Jeffrey had dropped back to Bronze, cycling just a few times a month. “I listened to Darren Hardy talk about creating a successful mentality and realized I needed to be a better leader.” He also needed to figure out his Why. So Jeffrey sat there in the back row and figured it out.

One year later, Jeffrey had catapulted forward from Bronze to Star Platinum (now Executive)!** And Jeffrey isn’t a quiet back row participant anymore — he was on the program at the 2012 Convention. In fact, Jeffrey spoke just before Darren Hardy and had a chance to meet his mentor backstage.

“If I can just encourage Brand Partners with one thing,” Jeffrey says, “it’s this: you’re only one person away from an explosion. Sometimes it’s a bit of a roller coaster ride, but if you hit a down spot, stick it out. My upline mentors David Graham and Billy McSwain drilled this into me: if you don’t give up, you’ll be successful.”

Building primarily through the Verve-loving, under-30 market, Jeffrey knows the lingo and the technology to relate to his peers. “Facebook is such a big craze,” he says. “I get 15 or 20 alerts every two hours. And the apps make Vemma really cool. When I tell people there’s a prospecting app, they’re ready to start. Kids are doing this anyway — sending each other videos.”

Jeffrey says that many college students are ready to give the Vemma and Verve business a try. Those just older are often wary of network marketing, but college students realize the impact the economy is having. According to Fox News, graduating college students have an average student loan debt of $25,200, but the average starting salary for a college grad is just $21,900. “They’re seeing friends struggle to pay off loans while working low-paying jobs — and they don’t want this. I’ve got lots of friends in this situation. In fact, of all my high school friends, I’m the only one without a college degree and the only one who doesn’t still live with parents. Many college students are realizing that the only way to make the economy better is to make their own economy better.”

Vemma provides the opportunity for college-age adults to build a business and create their own positive-flow economy. “We’re charging up for this fall,” Jeffrey says. He and his team have a lot of on-campus events planned and will be opening in eight new schools. “I do a lot of Skype calls, 3-way calls and lots of traveling. And lots of late nights.” It works out well for his new wife Lauren, who’s a nurse. “Lauren loves the products and supports me 100%. She’s seen what a difference it made to me.”

Jeffrey is excited about the new incentives rolled out this summer and the impact they’re having on business. He maintains that it’s easier to build fast than slow, and the incentives help Brand Partners grow fast and get rewarded. “I tell people to take action right away. You don’t have to know everything before you start. You’ve got your upline’s number! That’s all you need.”

Vemma Diamond Jason Jensen
As a college athlete, Jason learned the value of health, nutrition and discipline. He was on scholarship for track and field (a thrower), and used Vemma products regularly.

“My family is very pro-Vemma,” says Jason, a 22-year-old recent college graduate. “Everyone in the Jensen family uses Vemma. Starting your own Vemma business is often just a matter of time. My parents order four cases of product a month for themselves and the rest of the family, and my older brother Jeffrey has created a lot of success with his business lately.” Jason has seen firsthand how Vemma helped his mother’s health several years ago,* and he credits Bod•ē with helping him lose weight after a serious back injury earlier this year.*

A business management major, Jason graduated with honors in May ’12 from Coastal Carolina University — but without a flashy job offer. “At some point during my senior year, I looked around the job market and realized there was nothing for me in Myrtle Beach. Lots of my friends who’d graduated from college were serving tables, just like me. If you don’t know people to get you in, or if you don’t have time to do an internship (and as an athlete, I didn’t), it’s tough. I realized if you want a job at graduation, you have to start your freshman year.”

About the time Jason graduated, Brad Alkazin came to Myrtle Beach, and he and Jeffrey talked to Jason about Vemma. “Seeing my brother Jeffrey’s success really had an impact on me. And I’ve known Brad for a few years. Suddenly it hit me — what am I waiting for? It’s time to build my team with Vemma. My goals are really Vemma-focused now. I’m pushing hard to hit Platinum and turn Vemma into a full-time income.”

He says he’s seen huge success with the new Frenzy Bonus. “It gives new Brand Partners a good, simple goal. Get three on board — then three on each side. It simplifies the business and I’ve seen a lot of people succeed thanks to this incentive alone.”

Jason encourages new Brand Partners to get involved. “Put Vemma right up there with your other priorities — your family, God, whatever you care most about. Then stay connected. This past month, I’ve been to every meeting, listened to every call. Even if you don’t have anyone who’s a prospect, go to the meetings anyway. Just being around the atmosphere is motivating.”

“I am excited about where Vemma’s going — not just my business, but the whole company. People are starting to come to me and Jeffrey because they’ve heard about Verve, and that’s exciting.”

Like true champions, Jason and Jeffrey Jensen have created their own success with Vemma in a job market that’s toughest on the young. These adaptable entrepreneurs see opportunities and creative solutions with Vemma, leading the way for other Millennials to follow.

Sources :

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

** Results not typical. Your results may vary. The success or failure of each individual is dependent on their own efforts. The Company has generally expected results which can be obtained by visiting

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